You Need To Protect Your Rights, Even In An Uncontested Divorce
If you and your spouse have reached an agreement on your own, it may not seem necessary to hire an attorney. However, a number of unforeseen legal issues can arise during divorce proceedings. Our Spring Hill divorce attorney, David Day, will help guide you through the divorce process, protect your interests and ensure that your paperwork is completed correctly.
When you get an uncontested divorce, it happens by written contract. Attorney David Day will draft a legally binding and enforceable contract based on your agreement.
Uncontested Vs. Contested Divorce
In an uncontested divorce, both parties agree on major issues such as asset division, child custody and support without the court’s intervention, and merely ask the court to approve their agreement and make it an order. An uncontested divorce is often a smoother, quicker and less costly process than a contested divorce.
On the other hand, contested divorces are those in which the parties cannot agree on at least one issue. Contested divorces tend to be more emotionally taxing and financially burdensome for both parties involved since they require court proceedings and potentially lengthy negotiations.
Requirements For An Uncontested Divorce In Florida
There are three basic requirements to qualify for an uncontested divorce in this state:
- One spouse must be a resident of the state for at least six months prior to filing the petition for divorce.
- You must agree on the legal reason for the divorce. In most cases, that involves simply agreeing that the marriage is irretrievably broken.
- You must agree on all the issues. This can include how to divide your property and debts, any issues of support and issues related to custody of the children.
Once all the agreements are put in writing, that divorce settlement agreement can be submitted to the court for approval.
How Long Does An Uncontested Divorce Take In Florida?
The timeline for an uncontested divorce in Florida depends on factors such as court processing times and the case’s complexity. Generally, an uncontested divorce can be finalized more swiftly than a contested one, often taking around three to six months from filing the petition to issuing the final divorce decree.
However, this timeframe can be affected by factors such as court backlog and the thoroughness of paperwork preparation. Working with experienced legal professionals can help expedite the process.
Talk To One Of Our Lawyers Before You Sign An Agreement With Your Spouse
Many couples think they have everything worked out over the dining room table, only to discover the many tiny details they didn’t think about. The court won’t always allow what may seem like a common-sense solution.
Talk to a family law attorney at The Day Law Office in Spring Hill, Florida. We will review your situation and show you how we can get you through your uncontested divorce without last minute surprises.
Call us at 352-200-2382 or send an email to arrange a consultation with one of our uncontested divorce attorneys.