Frequently Asked Questions About Florida Time Sharing
Do you need a time-sharing plan? You probably have a lot of questions about time-sharing and making sure your kids will grow up healthy, safe and comfortable.
At The Day Law Office, our attorneys have five decades of combined experience. Together, they work diligently every day to help parents throughout Hernando County, Florida, and surrounding communities, feel reassured that their time-sharing issues will be resolved efficiently and correctly the first time.
Here are some common questions our clients have about time-sharing law in Florida:
What Does ‘Time Sharing’ Mean?
Most states use the term “child custody” to refer to the court order laying out how much time children will spend with each of their divorced or separated parents. The Florida Legislature changed the language to time sharing in 2008. It is unrelated to real estate.
Will I Get To See My Kids?
The law encourages time-sharing plans where each parent has frequent contact with their children, except in cases where one parent is unfit. There are no legal presumptions against fathers.
Will There Be A Trial?
Statistically, few time-sharing cases end up in court. Most of the time, parents and their attorneys negotiate a settlement that coordinates their children’s living schedule and division of parental responsibilities.
What Is ‘Parental Responsibility’?
In other states, this is known as legal child custody. Parental responsibility is the right of each parent to make important decisions in the children’s lives — where they will go to school, what religion they will be raised in (if any), what doctors will take care of them and so on. Co-parents usually share parental responsibility, unless one parent is unavailable or unfit.
Dependable Time-Sharing Legal Guidance And Support
For answers to more specific questions about time sharing, contact The Day Law Office at 352-200-2382 to schedule your legal consultation. You can also send us a message online.