We Can Help You Rebuild Your Credit After Bankruptcy
Don’t let anyone — or any website — try to tell you otherwise: Bankruptcy will harm your credit score and you will feel some consequences after you file.
Fortunately, most people use that time to find ways to reduce their reliance on credit. Many report they freed themselves forever from chronic debt problems; and that is one of the chief goals and benefits of bankruptcy.
Work With An Experienced Bankruptcy Lawyer For A Fresh Start
If you are tired of being overwhelmed by debt, if you cannot answer one more harassing creditor’s collection call, if you have been notified that you are in danger of losing your house to foreclosure, then you may need the real debt relief that our bankruptcy laws offer.
At The Day Law Office in Spring Hill, Florida, we guide individuals and families in Hernando County and the surrounding communities through the bankruptcy process to help them get the fresh start they need. Our lead bankruptcy attorney, Sandra Day, has over 25 years of experience helping people just like you make a fresh financial start.
Want to read more about myths about bankruptcy? Visit our bankruptcy misinformation and truths page.
Your Life Will Return To Normal
When you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your credit will probably be at an all time low. However, it will start to improve after a few months as long as you are able to pay your bills. This is what our clients tell us:
- After about six months, they were able to finance a car
- After about two years, they were able to qualify for a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) home mortgage
As part of our services, we will show you ways you can start rebuilding your credit rating immediately. We also have tools to help you complete the pre-filing bankruptcy credit counseling course and pre-discharge debtor education course required by the new bankruptcy laws.
Start Your New Financial Life Today
To schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced attorney about bankruptcy and your credit, call The Day Law Office today at 352-200-2382 or fill out the contact form on this website. Our law office is located in Spring Hill, Florida, in the center of Hernando County.
*We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.