Early in 2020, many experts predicted a surge in bankruptcy filings due to the economic and personal disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With unemployment at historically high levels for much of the year, it made sense to expect that millions of more...
The Day Law Office
When strategies to prevent foreclosure do not work
When people receive a foreclosure notice on their property in Florida, their first instinct is often to panic and feel hopelessness. While foreclosure is no casual issue, people do have the chance to stop the process in its tracks depending on how they handle their...
What should I consider when choosing a health care proxy?
Choosing the right health care proxy is just as important as having one in the first place. The person you choose must be willing to see your wishes through, even if they have a close personal connection with you. Because this decision is so important to your...
Who takes immediate possession of estate property?
The first question that many have after one passes away in Hernando County is "What next?" If you have been selected to serve as the personal representative or executor of a family member's or friend's estate, you might have the exact same inquiry. The important thing...
Detailing bankruptcy filing limits
A common misconception that many in Hernando County may have regarding bankruptcy is that the laws and regulations governing it are easily abused. By extension, the opinion that those same people have of those who file for bankruptcy is that they are simply...
How can you keep your entire 401k?
You put a great amount of individual effort into your employment in Hernando County; why, then, is your ex-spouse entitled to a portion of the benefits that come from that effort (such as your 401k)? First, it should be remembered that the money that funds your 401k...
During divorce, timeshares may present unique challenges
Timeshares are often an effective way for ordinary people to enjoy the jet setter lifestyle. After all, for just a fraction of the cost of buying a vacation property, you have access to a piece of paradise a few days each year. While you may love sharing your...
Business owners, litigation and personal bankruptcy
Whether you run a retail business or a company that deals with manufacturing, finance or any other field, you may face many challenges each day. As a business owner, being taken to court is one of the most difficult problems that you may encounter. Not only can...
The end of marriage and health problems
When a couple splits up, they may be dealing with many different challenges. Those who bring their marriage to an end may be struggling with child custody issues, or they may have concerns about what will happen to their finances during and after the divorce....
Tips for rebuilding credit after bankruptcy
As someone struggling with increasingly overwhelming medical, credit card or other debt, you may be thinking about filing for bankruptcy so you can get that fresh start you desperately need. While filing for bankruptcy may, in fact, be able to help you get your...