A recent child custody dispute just east of Hernando County on the Florida Turnpike became so heated that it landed a man and woman far from home on the pages of a local newspaper. The man, 41, and woman, 35, are both from New York, though their altercation with...
Child Custody
When parents divorce
Although being a parent can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences, it can also be one of life’s biggest challenges. It goes without saying that divorce complicates parenthood, often with disputes about child custody and co-parenting that are a mix of law and...
Can a child choose his or her custodial parent?
In Florida child custody cases, the courts look at a variety of different factors when determining what is in the best interests of the child. Child custody determines where a child will stay the majority of the time, who, if not both parents, has a say in the child’s...
Tips on reaching amicable custody agreements
Florida has one of the highest divorce rates in the United States. In fact, data indicates approximately 80,000 divorces took place in the state in 2015 alone. There are many stressful details spouses need to work through in a divorce. Perhaps none are as stressful as...