You understand that your financial situation is not good. The combination of not-so-good monetary decisions along with unexpected health-related setbacks has led to this downward spiral. You owe a lot of money related to credit card debt and steep medical bills. You...
Personal Bankruptcy
Should those struggling with debt refinance their mortgage?
Everyone has trouble paying bills from time to time. Those looking for solutions may focus on one of their most significant expenses – the mortgage. Some may wonder if it is a smart idea to refinance the mortgage to save money and give them more financial breathing...
Who qualifies to file bankruptcy under Florida law?
Florida is one of the most populous states in the country — and it's also a place that millions of nonresidents spend part of the year. We often see many people moving here with plans to stay long-term. Despite the initial flush of optimism that comes with a new home,...
Here’s why Florida bankruptcy filings are expected to jump in 2021
Early in 2020, many experts predicted a surge in bankruptcy filings due to the economic and personal disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With unemployment at historically high levels for much of the year, it made sense to expect that millions of more...
Filing for divorce and bankruptcy takes strategic planning
Disagreements over finances are one of the most common reasons for a couple to file for divorce. Sometimes the bitter conflicts involve reckless spending, while at other times, it is mounting credit card debt. Each couple’s circumstances will be different, but these...
New rules for debt collectors using social media
There are some positive signs for a potential economic rebound. But it may be too late for some here in Florida who accrued debt and now face phone calls or even visits to their home by third-party debt collectors. Some may not realize that debt collectors are also...
2021 could be a record year for bankruptcies
Everyone is happy to put 2020 behind us. But according to Forbes Magazine, the economic downturn of last year will likely continue to be a financial challenge that prompts them to file bankruptcy in 2021. The magazine cited the relatively average number of filings in...
The truth about the effect declaring bankruptcy can have on your life
One reason people in Spring Hill who are struggling with unending debt are reluctant to consider personal bankruptcy is that they think having a bankruptcy on your record can ruin your life. People have told them that filing for bankruptcy permanently destroys your...
Holidays pose challenges for those planning to file bankruptcy
New Year's Day ushers in a set of resolutions, but planning ahead can make a big difference if one resolution is filing bankruptcy here in Florida. Whether one is shopping for gifts or knows that they are likely to receive them, it can make the filing less complicated...
Avoid these common mistakes when filing bankruptcy
Those with substantial debt often come to the sensible yet difficult conclusion that they need to file bankruptcy. Whether it is restructuring under Chapter 13 or the liquidation of Chapter 7, this realization is the first step to starting on the path of financial...