Among the more common misconceptions about bankruptcy is that it comes without consequences. Many in Hernando County might see it as an easy way for you to get away with not having to pay your bills. It might even be tempting for you to view it as a more attractive...
Firm News
Do I have to remove my ex from my will after divorce?
Florida law automatically removes all inheritance rights your ex has by default in your will after your divorce is finalized. Therefore, you probably would not have to worry about any type of automatic inheritance rights your ex has. That said, this could be an...
Selecting the right executor for your estate
You have the right to determine where your belongings go after you pass. Thankfully, a proper estate plan and will can help to make sure that happens. Along with those elements, it is important to have the right parties in place to enforce your written orders. That is...
Divorce dispute ends in shooting
Many in Hernando County may currently be experiencing domestic abuse at the hands of a spouse. Some might say that those in such situations should simply leave. Those suffering from such violence, however, may find that leaving is not as easy as many outsiders may...
Who gets the pet after a divorce?
Pets are like beloved members of the family to most people. That’s why deciding who gets custody of the pets after a divorce can be so emotionally trying. It’s best for you and your ex to come to an agreement on your own, and PetMD offers the following information on...
What is a special needs trust?
If one of your children is a special needs child, you may wish to consider establishing a Florida special needs trust for him or her. As FindLaw explains, a special needs trust is one that you set up for the benefit of your child, naming him or her the beneficiary of...
The basics of trusts
People in Florida who want to understand their options when it comes to estate planning should know that a will is far from the only type of tool that may benefit them. For many people, the use of a trust can be a beneficial asset in protecting their estate and...
Prevent domestic violence with an order of protection
We at in Florida recognize that no one has the right to abuse you either physically, mentally or emotionally, not even if they are a family member, spouse or significant other. If you have received abusive treatment, or if you feel that...
3 tips for negotiating debt repayment with creditors
When over your head in debt, the first solution that may come to your mind is filing for bankruptcy. Doing so can protect your property, stop creditor harassment and help you start over. However, it is not the only option available. Depending on the type of debt you...
Splitting up or paying off debt when you divorce
Couples in Florida who get separated and plan to divorce know they will have to go through the process of splitting up their assets. In addition, they will also have to decide how to split up any joint debt. This may not always be an easy task, especially if the...