Helping Stepparents Start New Families Through Adoption
In Florida, stepparent adoption is when the wedded stepparent adopts his or her spouse’s child from a previous relationship or marriage.
If you have entered into a domestic partnership or marriage in which you wish to adopt your partner’s or spouse’s child, there are procedural steps that are necessary to work through carefully, particularly if the child’s other biological parent is still involved in any way.
If you reside in Hernando County, or any community along Florida Central Gulf Coast, we invite you to get your questions answered at The Day Law Office, in Spring Hill. Our family law lawyers advise our clients on questions regarding rights of the mother and father, grandparents’ rights, medical issues, fraud, and a number of individual issues on Florida stepparent adoption laws.
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Call 352-200-2382 or use the contact form to request a consultation with one of our attorneys as soon as possible.